- Bicentennial Man: Robin Williams in one of his best performances as an android who developes consciousness and creativity and raises to the courts of the future similar questions like the anti-slavery movement did to Greeks, Romans and the fathers of the 19th century enlightenment. Probably Asimov's most important book, because it raises questions which are not related to mankind's fear of being controlled or made obsolete by machines, but about the possiblity of machines being actually morally better than we as a species are.
- 8 talks on AI curated by TED: looking at AI from different angles, we recommend in particular the tech-sociologist's take of Zeynep Tufekci
With myself travelling in down under since three weeks and some more time to go, our 4M screening is interrupted due to an extended Christmas break. I want to draw your attention nevertheless to our past screenings, which are being recorded on mingong.org/4M, today with a special recommendation to our September selection:
May 2023